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What are the terms of guarantee for the construction work of newly constructed buildings?

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What are the terms of guarantee for the construction work of newly constructed buildings?

The newly constructed building is suitable for exploitation upon the issuance of the Exploitation permit - the so called Deed No 16, from the respective Directorate of National Control of Construction works. Inspecting State Committee is revising the site and the construction works and if they fail to measure up to the requirements of the law, or are deviating from the architectural designs and projects, as well as in number of other cases the Committee can deny the issuance of Exploitation permit for the building. Upon affirmative evaluation Deed No 16 is issued.
After Deed N 16 is issued, the terms of guarantee are considered effective. Those terms are specified in Reg. No 2, concerning exploitation initiating in The Republic of Bulgaria and the minimal terms of guarantee for construction works.
For different types of construction works there are different terms of guarantee. For example - for the construction of buildings the term is 10 years, even if in the contract with the contractor is specified otherwise, the one specified in the law is considered valid; for every type of construction, mounting and finishing works (floor and wall covering, tinsmith work, blacksmith work, carpentry etc.) as well fro the internal installations of buildings (power, water, gas,etc) the term of guarantee is 5 years, etc.
If within the term of guarantee hidden defects occur ( defects that weren't detected before declaring the site suitable for exploitation) the constructor is obliged by law to eliminate them without additional payment. If you have negotiated in the contract some kind of forfeit, you can demand this as well. If the owner and the constructor do not reach consent as ti the elimination of the hidden defect, the argument should be resolved in court.